Saturday, June 17, 2023

Same as before

So, after vacation things were weird. I was constantly stressed about the end of the relationship, and it hadn't been discussed, so after some time, I bright it up. To summarize, he doesn't want to break up but he was just mad about intimacy problems, which we've always had.

I was still on edge for a while, but things seem to be back to how they were. Which, isn't the BEST, but it's fine.

In other news, the driveway we were supposed to get starting the last day of vacation? Yeah we still don't have a fucking driveway. $40k and for what. I hate confrontation so I'm trying to stay out of it. So far the whole driveway has been removed, and we have about 100sqft poured. Whatever.

Also, in other news, I re-met my estranged sister today. She's in town for her birthday, so we went to some restaurant that I couldn't really eat anything on the menu. But I powered through, ate things I shouldn't have, and promptly shit my pants as soon as I got home.

I also should be meeting my other estranged sister in a few days. I haven't seen her in nearly 25 years, so that'll be interesting, I'm sure.

Beyond that, I did yard work all day today at home, and have more yard work to do tomorrow at one of the rentals, as well as at one of the buildings that work owns. That last one is going to be a weekly thing, essentially, to get more hours, after hours. Which beats having to do it while at work I suppose.

Also, I may have a warrant because I forgot to handle my speeding ticket last month, so I'll have to figure that out this week.

Beyond that, I don't have much going on.
No depression.
Still smoking.
Still doing the same shit.

Until next time,
Take care.

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