Saturday, January 7, 2023

Christmas Party

So we had our Christmas party last night. Everything went well for the party itself, but things were a little stressful beforehand trying to get everything ready. Although it would have been nice, we weren't able to get everything dont with the house itself (paint cabinets, install doorhandles, finish painting trim & touch-up spots, install new railings, etc.) But it was good enough for me knowing that although unfinished, our house is nicer than anyone else's who was here. And that's enough for me haha.

Left work a little early to come home and help get things done since Brian was overwhelmed.

And surprisingly, we aren't overwhelmed with more gifts. I've already begun to incorporate them into the house where they would regularly go, so that's also nice.

Gotta put some focus into the basement and possibly the guest room, as THOSE places are just inundated with STUFF and THINGS, and ultimately are overwhelming. But that's for another day. Today (and maybe tomorrow?), is a day for rest.

Take care.

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