Friday, January 27, 2023

I guess I'm a therapist

For whatever reason, as a whole, I seem to be in a particularly social mood today. I've been having deep conversations with people all day at work today, it has continued into my at-home life now, as well as deep conversations with the boyfriend, and after this post, I am probably going to go to my friends house and continue to do so there.

I've managed to discuss everything from in depth analyses of relationships, to work, to death, and much more. Everyone has been just jumping at the opportunity to unload their life's problems on me, and honestly? I'm here for it. They're not MY problems, but I'm willing to talk about them.

All this after I got into a bit of an argument with my therapy, about billing. I haven't had a therapy session in over a month (holidays, and busy, and depression got in the way) so I feel as though I might actually have a lot to discuss at my next appointment. I don't know, we'll see I guess.

With all this deep conversation, and general slowness of work today because of terribly inclement weather, my work day went by very quickly. I went from expecting to be able to get out several hours early, to "oh shit my work day ended 2 minutes ago" in seemingly twenty minutes. Either way, I'm here for it.

All that being said, I know I was just in a depression only a few days ago, and now I'm a social butterfly. I am curious to know how long this "up" is around, before I am "down" again. But for now, I suppose that's just a problem for another day. I'm going to embrace the socialite lifestyle today, and probable be very antisocial throughout the weekend (though, not depressed, just quiet. I am after all, an introvert).

Until next time, take care all.

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