Sunday, December 10, 2023

I forgot

So I may or may not have forgot this blog even exists, so that's fun. Allot has happened, but it's mostly the same. Most notably however is I was taking antidepressants for a couple weeks. Not that I was actively being prescribed them, but rather I found them from years ago when I WAS being prescribed them. Turns out, I AM bipolar, and they gave me a couple weeks of mania which is exactly why I was talking them. 9/10 Would definitely recommend. I started cleaning and organizing the absolute shit out of the house. Unfortunately however, I seem to be even more easily distracted in that state of mind. So while some things are absolutely perfect, there's usually a pile of something-i-started-but-got-distracted-and-haven't-gotten-to-again right next to it. Another downside, albeit a more important, is that I definitely had the urge to go nuts on Amazon again; I let myself go a little crazy with it (probably spent $7k in one day) but I'm in a much better financial situation nowadays, and although I can admit that's a lot of money, it is not financially crippling me like I have done to myself in the past. All in all though, I'm glad I was able experience that and ultimately to get so much done. I hate that my default state is so low energy, and always tired, and never motivated.

In other news, he recently bought another house, this one for his parents. So, he's been working on that. I'll probably go over there today, and do something at least for a little bit. I've really just been making him do everything over there because it's just the easy parts (remove wallpaper, drywall repair, paint). Once he's done with that, I'll start the more technical things. 

Lastly, I just want to take a brief moment to acknowledge the fact that it is almost halfway through December, and I'm not SUPER depressed. Like, I'm still on the comedown from the antidepressants, but I think I'm back to my normal lazy piece of shit self, and not actually sliding into depression. So, I mean, that's cool so far.

I could go on for much more, but I've already been going on for over 30 minutes. Furthermore, I'm not checking for errors this time around. Until next time, take care.

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