Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I just didn't have it in me

So I know it's been a while since I updated; I haven't forgotten about you. I just couldn't bring myself to update anything here.

Quick updates;
I left the US for the first time (excluding Canada) we went to Aruba almost two months ago. It was cool.

I went to New Orleans about two weeks ago. I did next to nothing, outside of staying in the hotel room not eating or drinking anything for most of the days. That's quite the fucking drive, I'll tell you that! We got into several arguments and discussions about our relationship while I was there. I have a new light about the future, bit also feel as though this is the beginning of the end. So I guess we'll see where things go over the nest could months or years.

I just had a pretty bad episode of the bipolar yesterday while wrapping up renovations. But his parents are moved in now, so hopefully I get a little bit of time to myself for a while. It was probably one of the worst episodes I've had, but I'm on the come up now. Still not 100% but we're getting there.

And I'm officially in the union as of today (excluding any wait periods and probationary periods). So that's... Well I don't really feel any kind of way about it. Cool I'll get health insurance and job security, but I'm getting to a point of feeling like maybe this job isn't for me. But again, we'll find out where things go with that in time.

That's all I have for you now.

Until next time, take care.

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