Friday, November 18, 2022

Snow day

So there's a record breaking lake effect snow band affecting most of the county. Travel advisories quickly turned into travel bans, many places announced closures in preparation. Projections of two feet of snow, quickly changed to four plus feet of snow.

It's about twelve hours since the first flakes fell, and it looks like we have over a foot, with much more expected to fall within the next twenty four hours.

Words cannot express how elated I am to be getting a snow day for, essentially, the first time in my adult life. The closest comparable for me was when I called in during the aftermath of hurricane Sandy for my basement flooding.

I'm on the cusp of letting the excitement getting the best of me. I keep having the urge to go use the new snowblower we bought the other day, but with projections of three or four inches per hour, what's the point. I feel as though it would be most efficient to wait until the worst of it is over.


My life is so boring, and I'm such a dad.
But I am living my suburban dream.

More than ever, stay safe y'all.

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