Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Accidentally Assistant Manager

So I know I recently mentioned having got a raise; well, as of a few days ago, the only other guy that technically-wasn't-a-manager-but-had-keys-and-was-in-charge-when-the-manager-wasn't-there-but-had-the-same-job-title-as-me-and-after-I-got-a-raise-actually-made-less-than-me is no longer in my department, and now works in the company's HQ, which means, as the sole employee of that department, I automatically got bumped up in responsibilities. So, although my title hasn't really changed, I now hold keys (which I am NOT thrilled about), and will be expected to take over the department when the ACTUAL manager is OOO for illness or vacation, which I am ALSO not thrilled about, nor do I know how to do that.

Also, that same day we lost a guy, we had a new guy start, so I'm also training someone now? Which, so far, the guy has been there three days, which is 50% longer than the last new guy who quit after his second day. Thankfully this guy seems more competent, which is nice. Allegedly there is another guy or two supposed to start, but I've heard that several times already so I'll believe it when I see it.

Now, on one hand, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be moving up so quickly, but also I am soured by the situation, as I had been excited for the raise for the amount of work I was doing; not for the amount of work ai am now doing, or will be doing. Though, I'm not going to make a huge deal about it. I plan on just feeling it out for now, and hoping for a good raise in the spring (I'm told raises happen then).

This is not necessarily the trajectory I had imagined I would be taking, I figure it MAY discourage the complacency I get pretty quickly within the workplace.

Either way, we'll see.

Until next time,
Take care

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